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Aviate, Navigate, Communicate

0+ Discord servers

0+ Users

0+ Commands used


/metarGet the latest METAR (Meteorological Terminal Aviation Routine Weather Report) for any airport
/tafGet the latest TAF (Terminal Aerodrome Forecast) for any airport
/notamGet the active and upcoming NOTAMs (Notice to Air Missions) for any airport
/stationGet the station information for any airport
/atis textGet the live ATIS (Automatic Terminal Information Service) for any airport as text
/atis voiceGet the live ATIS (Automatic Terminal Information Service) for any airport as voice
/flightGet the flight information for a real life flight
/ivaoGet the information for a flight or an ATC on the IVAO network
/vatsimGet the information for a flight or an ATC on the VATSIM network
/posconGet the information for a flight or an ATC on the POSCON network
/natsGet the information for the latest active North Atlantic Tracks
/time zuluGet the current zulu time
/time convertGet the zulu to local or local to zulu time conversions for any airport
/helpGet the description of all commands
/infoProvides information about AvBot, and links for adding the bot and joining the support server
/pingChecks the AvBot's ping to the Discord server